Sunday, June 6, 2010

In the garden...

In the garden, i find that I can grow both a tasty tomato or two, but also a sense of relaxation and peace that I usually only find when I am completely in nature. In my garden, I have a small planter box and a few potted plants. My garden is small but fruitful. At right is my first red fruit. He was hiding way in the back. Must be why the birds haven't seen him yet!!!

Last year, my first year, I had far too many tomatoes and unfortunately, many went to waste. This year, I have chosen to choose fewer plants, but have chosen mostly heirlooms and a few hearty breeds of roma and sandwich tomatoes. My plants are strong, many have small fruits, some quite large.

I also have a nice herb garden. I have common sage, mexican sage, cuban oregano (smells like something illegal), black basil, sweet basil, thai basil, oregano, margarom, rosebary, thyme, and a few more that don't come to mind. Pictures at right is Mexican Sage!

I have a few fruit trees, which have not yet proved to be so "fruitful". I have grafted apple tree, which has three types of apples on it. Only one branch, has fruited well this year and I hope they stay through the summer and ripen. Last year, all but a few had bugs or fell in a wind storm. I also have a blood orange tree, meyer lemon "bush", a traditional lemon, and two necterine bushes. Oh, and I shouldn't forget the lone pomagranite tree I planted in the front yard. The problem with the placement of this plant comes from the neat little bloom which is bright red. I think the neighborhood kids find it interesting and steal it away before the fruit can set. oh well. :)

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