Sunday, June 6, 2010

creative therapy

I often wonder why i never went to school to become a chef, artist, or something that would allow me to be creative during my work week. I instead went with the more logical part of my brain and went to school and obtain a BA in Environmental Analaysis and Design and will finish my MA in Urban and Regional Planning this fall. I work as a planner for a great city, love the people I work with and love helping people. Therefore, I am very happy with my choice.

But...on occassion, most weeks, I need something, something to resolve the feeling of unease, a feeling of incomplete, a I need to have a nice therapy session. My therapy has become the creativity of my youth.

I have recently started to really focus on my photography, both as a hobby and a second profession. I love creating images FOR others and not just myself. I love the act of sharing something I have developed and worked to create that can be loved and shared by others.

I found that as a child I created to gain the approval of my family and friends. I now find that I am my own critic and my own solice. I am my own best and worst enemy.

Creating, whether cooking, painting or photographing, takes me far away. I can drift and let my brain focus on something less serious, something more fun. ART!!! EMOTION!!! LIFE!!!

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